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Perawatan diri & Produk Médis Perawatan Imah

Self Care - Home Care Medical Products.j

We offer a  variety of self care and home care medical products from the finest manufacturers. Alat-alat médis sareng suplai perawatan diri sareng bumi urang cocog pikeun jalma anu sepuh, rehabilitasi, pasca operasi, cacad fisik atanapi paliatif. Kotektak brosur kami pikeun dressings médis, serbaguna multifungsi tiis tur haneut bungkus, produk whitening huntu, sharps wadahna, alat phototherapy UV, shockwave alat physiotherapy, kelas médis gloves and leuwih. Produk perawatan diri sareng perawatan bumi urang ogé disatujuan ku FDA sareng Ce sareng dianggo di sapanjang AS, Eropa sareng benua sanés kalayan aman.

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